A Prayer for the feast:
Almighty God, in your providence you chose your servant Patrick to be the apostle of the Irish people, to bring those who were wandering in darkness and error to the true light and knowledge of you: Grant us so to walk in that light that we may come at last to the light of everlasting life; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.
Scriptures to read:
1 Thessalonians 2:2b-12Matthew 28:16-20Psalm 97:1-2,7-12 orPsalm 96:1-7
Make 3 leaf clovers and discuss how Patrick used them to teach about the Trinity. Here is a sample craft. Go on a clover hunt if they are growing in your area.
For your little ones, have them hold and move the clover as you sing St. Patrick's Breastplate.
Make breastplates. We designed ours with snakes and cross.

G. in 2006!
Tell stories and legends of St. Patrick. We focus on his evangelism, his bravery and his devotion which can be learned from his own writings.
We were able to find Saint Patrick by Ann Tompert at the library; it focuses on the known events of his life rather than the legends.
But I wish we were able to find
The Story of St. Patrick by James A. Janda
Patrick: Saint of Ireland by Joyce Denham
Patrick: Patron Saint of Ireland by Tomie DePaola
Here are the Cross and Clover images we used to color our shield and breastplate:
Here is an online source that includes Patrick's biography along with the words his Lorica or St. Patrick's Breastplate:
And Catholic mom, as always, has links to coloring pages, books, and cooking fun: http://www.catholicmom.com/st__patrick
We'd love to hear what you are doing to celebrate the life of this saint!
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