
Saturday, January 9, 2010

Happy 5th Birthday Darling Girl!

Though her birthday is today, we celebrated last Saturday with a Nutcracker birthday party (an easy and inexpensive idea from here!) so that her grandparents from Canada could attend.
We decorated with Nutcrackers and candy from the Land of Sweets!

For activities, we played “Pass the Slipper,”
Colored pages from this beautiful coloring book,

acted out the story told by Susan Jeffers,

Brother as Fritz

and finally dressed as snowflake fairies, danced the Pas de Duex.

The nutcracker cake

After a scrumptious dinner prepared by my in-laws, I shared these words with those who gathered with us to celebrate. We then entered into a time of prayer on her behalf…it was a sweet and blessed time.

My dearest,
Since we have moved your birthday party early this year, we are still able to celebrate your life while we are celebrating Christmas and the birth of our Lord. How wonderful to celebrate during a season of hope and possibility. I feel much like Jesus’ Mother, Mary, must have felt as she saw amazing things before and after his birth that she treasured in her heart.
This year you have brought so much joy and wonder that I too treasure and ponder:

  • Your ability to pull out crayons, scissors, glue and yarn to make impromptu gifts for friends and family.
  • Your beautiful dancing in church on Christmas Eve, “a gift for baby Jesus.” 

Like Mary for her child, I ponder what God will do with the life of a little girl…

  • Who cares so well for your little sister, helps with dishes and laundry , and without being asked makes PBJs and even mops the kitchen floor!
  • Who, on her own, has begun to get down her own Bible and pray in the morning.
  • Who asks big, important questions about the nature of the Trinity, Justice, and Belief.
  • Who is kind to little old ladies in the grocery store and nursing home, knowing how to make them smile with a little wave or a compliment on their sweater.

We are so blessed to have you in our life and I feel blessed to be your mom. And so may we all pray that the words from the Book of Luke said of the Baby Jesus may be true in your life,
“And the child grew and became strong, filled with wisdom. And the favor of God was upon [her].” Amen.


Jennifer said...

Happy Birthday! She is a gift from God!

Amy said...

On my mom's blog she has more of the recipes:
and pictures of the cute little mice she made:


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