
Tuesday, February 17, 2009

A Splendid day at home-making baby food!

It is a cold but bright winter day here. Perfect for getting a project done. I was blessed with a visit from my sister-in-law and her 7 month old baby.

Together we made huge batches of baby food. It was so much more fun with a friend. Instead of seeming like drudgery, we chatted and one of us was always able to keep things going if the other had to stop to feed a baby or wipe a bum!

We made all of Baby C.'s first foods: butternut squash, sweet potatoes, carrots, and applesauce. After cooking and pureeing them, we put them into ice cube trays to freeze and then I will pop them out into freezer bags for individual servings.

To serve, just defrost the number of cubes needed in the microwave.

So easy and will save us so much money and time. Now that's splendid!

Baby C. is a messy eater!

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