
Sunday, January 25, 2009

Sabbath Reflection

It was good to feast together. Since the birth of our little one in September, there have been too many Sabbaths where we weren't able to celebrate as usual. I was reminded once again of its importance, not only as family time but as occasions for us to talk about Jesus!

So often just slowing down a bit and spending time to focus on a passage allows the children to ask questions, related or otherwise. This week, "What color is Jesus?" from G.

For us to get a chance to see where their hearts are: "I want to follow Jesus!" from M.

And to laugh together such as when M. was coloring a picture of a bearded Jesus and exclaimed in awe: "God has a beard just like my dad."

I ended up trying a new recipe for the roaster chicken. I was a little nervous to be adding sugar and cinammon to meat but it was delicious! I also made a chimichurri sauce for the first time; I'm sure it would be even tastier with fresh parsley which makes me long for our spring garden. Sadly, the aspargus was rotten so we went for glazed carrots and mashed potatoes instead. Luckily, I made things a little easier by picking up a half cheesecake from our local bakery!! But no fresh bread this week :-(

My goals for next week are to double check ingredient lists on Thursday and to do more prep work on Friday. I also need to have the dishwasher empty to make cleaning up a quicker process!!!!! We'll see!!


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